Resources for Student Placement in TMC

Rice-TMC Experiential Education Network

Rice ENRICH and the Rice Internship Council of the Center for Career Development (CCD) have partnered to lead the efforts of the Rice-TMC Experiential Education Network (REEN). 

REEN is composed of offices and programs throughout campus that facilitate student engagement in the TMC. The group focuses primarily on member-identified issues and needs related to Rice student engagement in TMC institutions. 

For all course-related curriculum needs, Rice uses Canvas as its Learning Management System. If you need assistance with Canvas tools, please visit this page for information about logging in, new features, outside tools, and more.

If you would like to join the REEN network, contact or Ivette Mekdessi at

Graduate student information

For appointing Rice graduate students in TMC labs, you will initiate a Salary Reimbursement Agreement to recover direct costs.

Click here for a description of the process, plus forms and samples.

Undergraduate student information

Though a direct resource to undergrads, the Center for Career Development (CCD) provides support for admins placing Rice undergraduate students in research and internship experiences.

Looking for additional resources to help educate, connect, and empower students on any topic related to their internships? The Rice Internship Council has developed a guide with valuable resources.

Promoting opportunities for undergraduate internships/Hiring Rice graduates

If you want to promote an internship opportunity or are recruiting a graduating senior or recent Rice graduate, you can post an ad through the Rice Center for Career Development's 12twenty portal. 

Information specific to TMC institution

Baylor College of Medicine (BCM)

Rice currently maintains an Educational Experience Program Agreement with BCM that governs our educational engagement with them for both graduate and undergraduate students.

  • For undergraduate internships, completion of a Visitor Participation Agreement form is required. The BCM faculty host receives this from Rice and shares with department admin and HR liaison.
  • For graduate student appointments, host department initiates the Salary Reimbursement Agreement through the subaward process.  F&A costs are required to be included in the SRA calculation.

Key BCM Policies:

13.5.01 - Access to One Baylor Plaza. In order to assist in the identification of individuals present on Baylor College of Medicine property a standardized identity document will be issued to all BCM employees, students, and associated persons.

13.5.00 - BCM Identification Badges. BCM is a controlled access campus. Individuals requesting entrance are required to present a valid photo identification document to BCM Security Department representative. 

13.5.05 - Personal Visitors and Children at BCM Sites. The admission of infants and children visitors under the age of 17 years of age will not be permitted at all BCM sites. Students who need to bring visitors 17 years of age or over to the College must obtain prior approval of their class instructor and coordinate with Security before bringing the visitor to class. 

MD Anderson Cancer Center

We currently share a signed Educational Experience Program Agreement with MDA that governs the educational engagement of our undergraduates with them. For Rice graduate students appointed in MD Anderson labs, an application and the completion of a formal agreement (GSRRA) is required before onboarding.

UTHealth Visiting Scholars Program

Rice students participate as a Visiting Student in the Visiting Scholars Program. Individuals interested in participating must contact directly the department of choice to identify a faculty sponsor. Once the faculty sponsor agrees to host the Applicant, the department will provide the appropriate Visiting Scholars application form.  See website for more information.

The Rice-UTHealth Education Agreement is a required document for the visiting student application.

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ENRICH is housed in the BioScience Research Collaborative (BRC) on the Rice University campus.

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Houston, Texas 77005


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